Brain is Not King: It’s a Piece of Our Overall Being

I practiced law the way I was taught. Working too much, steadily on call, always putting out fires, billing for every possible thing, constantly getting criticized for not completing tasks more quickly. I made poor choices for my health and well-being. I didn't eat nourishing foods. I drank too much. I didn't honor my feelings. I wasn’t plugged into the needs of my emotions and body.

In the legal profession, we are trained to prioritize our intellect over our emotions. Law school teaches us to "think like a lawyer," emphasizing the importance of analytical thinking and decision-making from a cerebral place. The implicit and explicit message is clear: Brain is King and our bodies and emotions don’t matter. Disregarding the needs of our bodies and emotions has terrible consequences, however, which we’re seeing in our profession.

In this post, we’ll dive into:

  • The consequences of emotional neglect

  • The importance of body awareness

  • The importance of support as we navigate our emotional world

The Reality of Emotional Neglect in Law

Stories abound of lawyers expected to work immediately after major life events, such as giving birth or grieving a loved one's death. Many have faced punishment for expressing their emotions, whether through being reported to their state Bar association, removed from significant cases, or shunned by colleagues. This devaluation of emotions is rampant in the legal field leading to a widespread disconnect between our feelings and our work.

The Consequences of Emotional Suppression

Without proper guidance on incorporating our feelings into our professional lives, we often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. These can include alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex addictions, excessive exercise, and control issues. Over time, the suppression of emotions takes a toll on our physical health, emotional well-being, productivity, and sense of purpose.

Prolonged Distress is Harmful to Our Nervous Systems

From a neuroscientific standpoint, prolonged distress is harmful to our nervous systems. This is why body awareness is integral to my work with lawyers. Understanding and connecting with our bodies helps us reconnect with our emotions and explore what’s happening in our hearts.

The Importance of Body Awareness

Body awareness involves practicing presence and becoming attuned to the subtle (or not so subtle) signals our bodies send us. These signals indicate when things are out of alignment and need attention. Feeling and releasing emotions are essential steps in accessing our inner guidance and achieving a sense of peace and direction.

The Need for Support

Untangling and understanding our emotions is a process best undertaken with support. Our nervous systems thrive on connection, support, and love. Through a blend of emotional development and productivity tools, I help lawyers find their center and explore their identities. My programs are designed to assist attorneys in safely feeling and releasing discomfort, allowing them to move toward a place of inner guidance and integrated action.


The legal profession's emphasis on intellectual rigor often overlooks the importance of our well-being as a whole person. By integrating body awareness into our professional lives, we can reconnect with our emotions and inner guidance. This not only enhances our productivity and sense of purpose but also promotes a healthier, more balanced approach to our work and personal lives. If you're ready to explore this journey and find your center, reach out to learn more about my programs designed specifically for lawyers.

Book a 30-minute chat with me to learn more.


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